even if your account is banned you can see top right hand corner here on
this runescape homepage.. it says the word account top right above the words
log in/or log out and shop.
when you click account... then log in. even banned you can log into the account
to see what is going on with it.
so even banned you can log in .. top right after clicking word "account"
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.
Ofc i can login and look at my account top right and see from the status the ban and stuff but that doesnt really help me out by just viewing stuff that i cant do anything with.
well, jagex wont give exact details. sorry i didnt understand everything to begin with.
they wont say this is what caused macro ban or even when.. the ban date is usually after the time of macro because of investigations.
no one in forums can give you those answers... community help.. jmods rarely post.
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.
Where a ban or mute is unappealable, it means that the Player Support team have already performed a thorough review to confirm that the offence is correct and that the account's user is liable for the activity, so no further appeal is invited.
If the offence(s) are so severe/damaging to Jagex/RuneScape/RuneScape Community Jagex/JMods may decide to close that account permanently. It is '
Jagex's Digital Property
' we are talking about and safety Jagex/JMods will safeguard at all times.
That the account is recovered does not guarantee that said account will ever be unlocked/unbanned ... depending the nature of offences committed with said account.