she is my bf
Will you always lose your statue when you die?
Yes, the emblems are never protected on death.
she is my bf
I like the system but the items you can buy aren't they gonna decrease in price very hard? lets just give cash for the points and items as colours?
That's always the risk with adding existing items to a reward list. However, once the initial rush has worn off from the update, I reckon it'll take quite a while to build up enough bounties to buy the rewards.
I actually have a really important question regarding todays update because i've been waiting for the ring of wealth (i) for a while now and in todays update the page said that it doubles the cluescroll droprates from "monsters".
Does this mean it does not apply for rogues chests or was it just being unclear as i remember some other post (i belive it was dev blog) saying it doubles the cluescroll rates within wilderness.
The new ring of wealth (i) does indeed double "
the chance of you receiving a clue scroll from all monsters within the wilderness
", like the blog said. So no, it doesn't apply to the thieving chests.
Apart from that, it works like a normal ring of wealth for improving your gem drops.
Is there any way to incorporate a mechanism that allows for more bounty the deeper in the wildy you kill your target to encourage deep wildy pking which also results in less ragging b/c of untradeables being lost above 20, and more team/clan action. Tbh, this would be the icing on the cake. Should look into it hopefully, mod ash.
@ Mod Ash, Can we get some sort of update on the "trading solution" progress? How's it coming along? Will it be released soon? What's going on with it atm? Thanks.