Question for one of the J-Mods, please. Could you clarify this?
Mod Ronan
We will no longer be offering a chat icon for iron man accounts after reviewing feedback from Old School players.
Mod Ronan
As with the normal iron man accounts, ultimate iron men will have access to their own outfit, have their own hiscores
and have a unique item next to their name when they chat.
So the ultimate iron man accounts will have a chat icon next to their name? Or was this just a copy paste error from the previous blog?
I'd rather not see the chat clogged up with unnecessary chat badges.
15-Sep-2014 21:06:29
- Last edited on
15-Sep-2014 21:52:15
Nubby Nubnub
Moist Elax
Will be voting yes for both even though i don't do ironman, I may give it a try. As for corp I can't wait but I do have questions regarding it's release, will there be a new quest in order to fight it? Like there was spirit of summer and summer's end but due to the fact there is no summoning.....will you guys just release him as say kalphite queen in which you just go down and fight? I would love to see a revised version of those 2 quest without the summoning aspect.
As for those of you talking about how corp was the downfall of RS and no-one listens to your opinion is because your opinion is flawed and isn't true at all. Just doing some wiki searching and going back to the old archives will tell you that story....also not everyone is maxed who was asking for corp....there are people really low who want a goal to motivate them to train. Stop saying go to RS3 if I want corp or if I want's NOT THE SAME THERE! I want if there's old content returning and if it's in a reasonable way then I will vote yes. New content I will also vote yes for if I like it....which I can't say for Artisan...voted yes for the idea but no twice because of the execution with the details....sad a great idea didn't make it. As for the ward shields, their price might not move as much because of the stats. Those shields are affordable compared to spirit shields and even pre-eoc there wasn't many shields for that whole year after release until....well....the ring of wealth update.....
This exactly tired of ppl saying go to rs3 the whole reason i came back to osrs was for the combat system not cuz i was mad about overpowered armor and weapons and same goes for probably 60% if not more of the people playing old school atm. People need to at least use some logic behind their accusations rather than saying go play rs3 if you want this or that.
Zeal? Isn't that from soul wars?
You get commendation points from pest control.
RIP Forums
Finally we have signatures in the surprise forum update. I'm Lewis, I play Old School & I've been playing since 2005.
What's the point of having no access to shops? How can Iron Men get a dragon scimitar and stuff...
I think its a good idea but for an ultimate iron man on another hand no bank makes no sense, lets make it like u can only store a small amount of items or only some items.
In runescape classic, you used to have no bank, and could be pk'd anywhere.
Nice glad to see we can use the shops now, but i don't understand why you don't allow NMZ, just make it locked until you complete the full RFD quest? I mean this wouldn't be good xp at all, but we would be able to get points, as i don't think anyone would want to mine 1,5m pure ess
Btw it's Accept Aid, not auto aid. Heard some people mistaking it for auto retaliate
I think if the iron man mode was a select-able option upon account creation that would be awesome. Maybe give those accounts titles in front of their name ex: (IRONMAN Steve). seeing a high level account with that title would be awesome.
The 100% damage is bogus.. Say I'm killing a lava dragon with fire strike. It will take me ~100 casts to kill it. Some troll comes up and casts it and does 1 damage on it and I no longer get the kill? If this is the case, allow iron men to disable multicombat or have priority on monsters.