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I absolutely will not be getting a Jagex account. Period.
As a 15+ going 20-year veteran player of a game that taught me so much, neither will I.
There is nothing wrong with a RuneScape username and password.
Why is there a sudden and blatantly desperate attempt to fix what is not broken?
Because Jagex's shareholders have to bring in their agenda into our psyche.
What's not to love about micro-transactions, Solomon's Store, the Hero Pass, a Grand Exchange tax, the removal of the Duel Arena, the rewriting of the game's medieval history with gender dialogue updates, the introduction of annual LGBT+ pride events, and fear-mongering about cyber security in the lead up to the great reset?
Wouldn't we all just love for western civilization to collapse on itself already, so we can remain slaves to our screens, buy up all the centralized, programmable digital currencies we could ever dream of, and suffer a premeditated false flag blackout resulting in yet another global crisis and the implementation of a digital identity required to access the Internet so we can play a video game character.
Civil disobedience was never needed more than it was during COVID-19.
And it is never needed more than now, to resist the Jagex Launcher.
Let these people control your every move in life, and see what happens.
Resist tyranny at the cost of anything but life and liberty, no matter its form.
06-Jan-2024 05:42:48