Quest sounds cool, but there is already pre-existing issues with the combat scene and before it gets "Shaken" up a bit. Such as mage setups having both horrible offense and defense meanwhile someone with 70 range and a rune crossbow can hit 15-20 through protection prayer. I can't imagine someone in the office thinking range needed to be buffed a little and said, "Let's add range armor that inflicts burn!"
Now with multi-combat being disabled in most areas of the wilderness (a dangerous area, makes sense right?), I can now be completely obliterated solo in the wilderness with no way to defend myself, protection prayer that barely works, and now, added burning! Woo!
Quick! Everyone Look! We have sailing, a new quest, and are completely ShAkInG up the combat scene! Please ignore the vast empty spaces of dead content and the tightly packed spaces containing 100s of bots making the content unavailable to you, the player. We'll just keep popping out new hype hoping to bring you back n keep playing!
- S T O L A S -
26-Oct-2023 19:12:14