A teleport delay for the revenant caves? really? What demented pk-fetishist smoked the wrong stuff and thought that was an actual good idea? The literally only line of defence a pvm'er there has: a teleport in the short timeframe you see one of these parasites in full ahrim with a toxic staff cast teleblock on you and then spec you into oblivion you has now been taken away. Doesn't matter if it's "only 1,2 seconds" or 1,2 days. You can't tele fast enough before that cancer of a spell takes hold: you're done. Especially as an ironman with no anti-pk gear or dinh's bulwark (which you also nerfed) . Something you now made 100% sure will happen.
You make sure there are a lot more ironmen through GIM who, mind you have NO BENEFIT OR DROP WHATSOEVER FROM PVP and who might also try to grind for a wildy weapon(almost have to be skulled so very dangerous) and some cash for kingdom or runes and now found a new way to royally screw them over. Congratulations, you presented them to the few hyena's that still come to your for the rest mostly dead Wilderness on a silver platter. If this is the best plan you had , to bring some people back into the Wildy, I suggest you call Blizzard for some suggestions because even they seem to better have a handle on how to treat players than you.
If it's for the actual reason you say it is: to block software that can somehow auto-teleport as soon as a another player appears on the minimap: here's an infinitely better suggestion. Make a more accurate detection system. But don't, in one go, also doom players with actual good reflexes to paralyze the few that use illegal software.
At this point, I'll take the Venezuaelan protection racket clans over your sickening grasps of control regarding pvp in the revenant caves. At least they let you have a few kills as long as you paid them, something memberships these days just gives less and less in return for. Until this is fixed, you robbed the revpk'ers of at least one potential victim.
10-Aug-2022 17:55:00