F. i typed out a reply, but I was apparently logged out, so here's a rushed 2nd attempt.
I like item sinks, but to keep them relevant, the items needs to be degradable. A fully charged Nex set, would obviously last much much longer than fx a barrows set. It could even be like 300+ hours of combat, but eventually, another Bandos piece would have to be destroyed.
I understand why some people (especially all types of ironmen) don't like degradables, but I think that's more a result of the degradables degrading too fast.
All this said however, I find the visuals on the Nex set to be highly unappealing. I don't see it being an iconic look like the current BIS pieces.
I saw some concept art for raids 2 (of which only the inquisitor set was used as a reward at Nightmare). All those sets looked really good, with both nice 3D art, and color schemes.
The Nex set looks like the Achievement diary, and Dragonstone set both in 3D art (bulky in a bad way), and color scheme. I don't think the Nex set is quite as bad looking as those two, but it doesn't look like BIS gear.
If I could choose one thing to change, it would be the art.
10-Nov-2021 12:31:06