Hmm as a tank ranger, i cant see much real use for the new range Armor for pvp or pvm, the range strength and bonus accuracy doesn't seem to match the risk of low hp and the stats arnt good enough above low life alone to use over karils/armadyl. maybe give it some ranged strength natrally over low life? since range has a severe lack of ranged strength options anyway...also will the amulet have an option to turn off the life reduction feature?
wand looks cool, look forward to using it!
new shield sounds good as a range/mage setup, pretty much made for range tanks like myself
new ring seems good for slayer
the fang sounds like its gonna be very strong...not looking forward to being 2 hit 24/7 in any pvp activity
Are you taking feedback here too? Doesn't look as though the suggestions by the people on the previous thread were taken into account... :/
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
@Lord I am sure Jagex staff takes feedback in. They are really good at listening to the players. Only game I know where game mods actually interact with players and take their suggestions seriously.