Regarding the price announcement and also microtransactions:
Well great news about Rs '07 price staying the same! Considering Jagex past actions, I am most positively surprised and happy! Big congratulations!
I just hope this is not a cheap trick to make players think that they are safe and then in the future you just suddenly "change your minds" and decide to actually charge more for it, in a point of time where most players would have characters with high enough skills/stats that they reluctantly decide that it's best not to waste all their time and effort and quit Runescape.
I'm telling you right now that if that happens, I would quit it no matter what, the same way I did it with EoC Rs, when all of Jagex's greedy changes started taking place.
And please, don't blow this game by introducing things such as Squeal of Fortune here. I can't even begin to decribe how I hate that "thing", it made me quit EoC and it WILL make me leave Rs Oldschool too FOR SURE if it gets introduced. SoF is the main reason I'm playing this over EoC, and Solomon's General Store was a terrible idea too. It's not as bad as SoF since its only cosmetic and I wouldn't quit because of it although I wouldn't like it and I'm also not against the introduction of the Loyalty Shop in 07' as long as it is also only cosmetic, but please keep real $ away from oldschool, or I feel many people (along with me) will just leave the sinking ship.
Regarding bots:
I agree with everything Mate has said. Punishment for bots needs to be harsher: permabans - and for all accounts using the same IP, anti-botting tools need to be refined and for this to be done, we need more developers for the game. This is only the only case scenario where I would accept paying more for Oldschool, if I knew FOR SURE there were more developers being brought to it. This is not only for antibotting: there are so many things that need a fix, both big and small.
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Thanks. Looking forward to that possible f2p update!!
I'm sorry but please don't get your hopes up, we plan to keep OSRS as members only for the foreseeable future.
Aww, that's unfortunate to hear, but thanks for the outright confirmation.
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Great! I'm still hoping for Eoc clan chat in 07. I miss talking to my clan...
This. I have found you can actually be logged into the EoC lobby (but can't get ingame) while being also logged into 07, but just having EoC clan chats in 07 would be much better.
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Original message details are unavailable.
Great! I'm still hoping for Eoc clan chat in 07. I miss talking to my clan...
This. I have found you can actually be logged into the EoC lobby (but can't get ingame) while being also logged into 07, but just having EoC clan chats in 07 would be much better.
Wow! I did not know this!! This'll definitely do, thanks so much! xD
Thanks for laying to rest the fear for many that their time playing 07 is not in vain.
07 is alive and well ,now confirmed will stay that way!
Thanks so much for all you guys are doing.
Please don't raise the price for members if we want to play old school. we spent so much time just to not be able to transfer our stuff and start fresh, and for you guys later in the future thinking you should raise the price just because is a slap to the face. I know it cost money to run this, run that, update this but you already are getting paid. I just became a member again thinking about playing for a while still don't know how i feel about this game but you guys are doing great work. I feel so outdated while on eoc.