deadman mode from a single player perspective.
*** Quest & Automatic Unlocks & other changes ***
1)Monkey madness 1 not auto completed ?
2)Deadman drop table are changed
*New Sigils and resources such as food, potions, Herblore supplies and Emblems.
are rune drop´s removed?
3)Inceased xp multiplier after the 3rd death?
***Three Lifes System***
1)Scout raids with an alternative account. clan´s will attack the account at first sight, To restriction all pvm outside of their clan. reset the account after 3 death.
Worlds are limited Combat Level Brackets.
You will need to re-train that account.
whitout supplies/food/stats or ability to trade over items. Lets assume this process will take on average 15/20 hours Minimum to regain at least Combat 101.
2)Godwars, is a no go for solo players, 3 deaths, and you will be set out of the game.
since muling is prohibited for single players, not for clan´s.
They will trade over rare & good items
To the None risk area players. with no death/no risk involved.
3)How will you enforce that clans do not benefit from this versus solo players?
4)Losing all items is that include untradables? like firecape/inferno/mage cape2, avas accumulater etc?
5)What is the reason behinde losing the Deposit box on 3rd death?
5.1) this will be unfair disadvantages for solo players vs clans. since clan´s members will insure to trade over deposit box.
5.2)How will you punish clans for working around the Deposit box by muling to safezone accounts?
5.3)What is the reason behinde losing 100% of all Combat experiance?
6)Mules for clans is that banable too like it will be for single players?
7)Clan members trading high vaule items between them for trading, is that muling ? and why not ?
7.1)Same goes for single players, trading high vaule items to trade/flip.
Why not if above is ?
8) Have you any plan´s on Looking into clan activety in abuse mule/depoitbox?
03-Aug-2021 21:17:54