Agree with all of the ideas except Story mode for TOB.
TOB is end-game PvM content and I dislike the fact that you're trying to implement an "easy mode" for TOB despite lessening the rewards for it. Players who complete TOB should be recognized for their efforts and dedication for mastering the mechanics and overcoming the challenge. Please don't hinder the feeling of success with this Story Mode.
Hard Mode is needed as TOB has been out for a few years now and there is obviously room for more Raid content/harder challenges for experienced players (my guess this is Raids3)
I dislike the idea of making content closer to "end-game" easier for people. It discredits the whole point of end-game, E.G, everything MrRageaholic suggested (no offence).
No easy Vork, Raids 1/2, Inferno, nothing. Push players to be better via practicing rather than introducing watered down versions of existing content.
Most people will probably disagree with me but so be it. Overall, keep up the great work OSRS team.
28-Apr-2021 18:27:32