This just shows more lack of communication and knowledge. Just look at #13 hotspot, it's where they farmed emblems for LITERALLY YEARS. ???? what more is there to say... ? the only reason people legitimately die there is if a team piles you in your last attempt to safe.
Anyway, disappointing like always, the real issues still aren't being addressed properly while you just skip over them, simply making a newspost without more clarifications, and it seems like you are just trying to stay a-float with all the bots roaming around while you ban legitimate players for trying to play the right way.
Oh and are you actually going to stop the gray areas of third party clients? I'm all for banning overpowered things, but banning people for using quality of life such as prayer re-ordering because your client SUCKS is just FEAR MONGERING, especially before you had released the newspost(s). MORE CLARIFICATION PLEASE.
Because it's pretty stupid having the RARE feeling of actually wanting to log into this dying game and seeing the false bans going on, which is pretty offputting. Nothing has drawn me back into this game for pking, my account is a zerker pure! (and others) People such as myself should be your target audience.
Yet here we are, and The wilderness is STILL being run by single clans + raggers and your bh update is gonna get stale fast.
That being said fix your shitty integrity issues, take a step back and look at YOURSELVES as the developers, aswell as player support, be more direct with us players whilst providing US transparency.. (and direct contact back and forth would actually be nice, not having to go to reddit or twitter)
Idk i didn't mean to 'rant' on, but this was just disappointing, yet again, it's getting really, really old. Especially all after the client stupidity and seeing people being banned for no reason.
(Streamers, for example. There's been some confirmed on twitter as false aswell..)
Like, c'mon jagex team. Step it up. Happy birthday...
31-Oct-2019 17:06:57
- Last edited on
31-Oct-2019 17:23:15