
Forthos Dungeon

Quick find code: 380-381-584-66108598

Butt Pennies
Apr Member 2022

Butt Pennies

Posts: 529 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love the new dungeon and am thrilled to see more content to flesh out Zeah. The only thing I don't like is how many pillars, stalagmites, and pieces of rock are sitting above the dungeon walls as I find this ridiculously distracting. Next time you add a dungeon, make the dungeon passages the focus, NOT the empty spaces around it.

04-Jul-2019 18:19:06

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 85 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pretty great update. Very upset that the boss isn't instanced though. If I were a botter I'd have accounts in every world 24/7, as an Ironman I don't imagine I'll ever get an opportunity to fight it, which is a shame as the majority of the its drops would greatly benefit an ironman, as opposed to a regular account looking to sell everything in arms reach. Ironman for life, baby!
Trust in the rust

04-Jul-2019 23:07:47 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2019 23:08:36 by Lojith

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 102 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Amazing touch to the game, new dungeon and new monsters :) :) :) :)
Thank you for the update, can't wait to see what else is instore for old school runescape!
keep up the good work! :) :)
;) Happy ^_^

-07 Player-
-Girl Gamer-

08-Jul-2019 13:36:49

Oct Member 2019


Posts: 63 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

I had some feedback about the new boss, I will number the feedback so it's easy to read.

1. Great boss for learning higher lvl pvm - mission accomplished! Its a good into to pray switching, and how to deal with or not deal with monster adz to accomplish a kill. Its a fun boss!

2. Instancing - I know this was polled.. but this needs a new poll. You stated it was non-instanced in response to people saying too many bosses were becoming instanced. Yet the bosses that are instanced (such as raids) are only for high lvl players so really should have no bearing on mid lvl players. Unfortunately, as you have probably heard, this boss is swarmed with max players.. often teams of 4 just looking for a pet and to get up their boss kills, making folks like me (cb 102) get crashed, sometimes 25% through the kill, making any sort of profit impossible while we waste our supplies. High level players clearly love this game, and have every right to try the new content, but it's ruining the experience for those that this boss was targeted to attract.

3. Drops - I don't know what the street price of the new crush weapon currently is. But I have done 30 kills (solo) so far and the drops are definitely lack luster. There is only one unique drop to look forward to, and being the only on makes this an extremely rare occurrence. Can you please add more unique drops to make the profit/hr somewhat closer to barrows? For a solo med-lvl players, this boss requires LOTS of food and prayer pots and doesn't even make as much gross profit per hour than barrows (which mind you has tons of drops = to or close to the cudgel. Yet barrows requires far less attention, and FAR less supplies. I know increasing the supply drops may harm the skilling economy, so I suggest adding more special drops that are viable, or even 3 pieces that are untradable to create an item that is viable (like an upgrade for the bludgeon) or other armor/weapons/upgrades that make the boss memorable and more viable.

08-Jul-2019 15:30:46

Hi there

Hi there

Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hey ... i was looking around in the forthos dungeon ... ( didnt know how dangerous it was ... )
so i talked to olbertus .. and i saw an option to kill him ... and it did sound funny .. so i clicked on it .. sooo it attacked me .. hit rlly hard already had low hp and died with my full gear ( i did not had any teleports with me )... i went back to get my stuff back ... but it dissapeared ? i did not see any signs that if i die over there i lose my stuff ? so how the fuck do i get my bcp - torture - dfs back ?

08-Jul-2019 17:50:30

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 387 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sure glad I'm a nice person and didn't try to kill Albertus.
Aside from that lucky escape, I like the new dungeon. Iron woman, so I haven't attempted the spider boss, yet.
However, I believe I have discovered a glitch, although I am usually proven wrong on these things.

I found the three tattered tomes. I have four, three, and three of the the tattered pages.
However, the tomes disappeared from my bank, and I am unable to get them again.
I will try a few more approaches, but if nothing works, I will report a glitch.
Yes, I am a real life ironwoman; I am a grandmother.
Yes, really.

09-Jul-2019 14:01:01

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 1,498 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really like the Forthos Dungeon for my iron woman account, Jean_07. Really love the Zamorak Wine drops.
I want to say that my impression that I -or Jean_07 - found a possible glitch, was in error. The fact is, I was confused about which account had the 3 tomes. It was this one. lol Anyway, Jean_07 finished the quest first of my 3 accounts. Still looking for pages on this and Luv_07.
Enjoying the hunt immensely.

15-Jul-2019 12:26:03

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Suggestion: update the temple pages. So that you can trade them in for small amounts of exp (250xp/per as an example) instead of 1k. Being as they’re un tradable and seemingly far more rare than they should be for the trade in value. This would immediately helpful for Ironman and make them worth collecting after the mini quest. Maybe I’m alone here but at this point I don’t even know why they remain on the drop table after the quest if the value is only 1k and require travel to turn in. -Glocktopuss

18-Jul-2019 01:45:16

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