No one has commented on it yet, but I really don't care for all the Underground Pass suggestions. Until Regicide, you only have to go through it, what, twice? Maybe three times? And then you can access the western part of the map without needing to go through it again.
The grid never changes, so it doesn't need to be skippable. The agility maze is already skippable with sufficient Thieving. All that leaves is skipping the entire level, which seems like it defeats the whole purpose of having the pass to begin with.
IMO, it's misleading to say you "have to essentially repeat the quest," as though all the things with Iban (the orbs, the paladins, the dwarves, the demons, the witch, the spiders, etc.), which actually IS the bulk of the quest, don't have to be done again.
Keep the Underground Pass as is. It's an iconic part of Runescape, a rite of passage of sorts, and an inconvenience that affects almost no one in almost no part of the game.
19-Jun-2019 23:26:28