Wow this really improved the Hosidius part of Kourend I think it was a good job.
I am just a bit sceptical about the Tithe Farm minigame. Has it been thought through to how this layout would be changing the rates at which you can farm the plants in Tithe farm?
In my personal experience on my farming training, I have been using 3 patches from south to north on both sides that is 6 patches in total, I would be able to do them in a circle and reducing the walk as much as possible, harvesting 20-24 plants every round. (20 plants would require those 6 patches as I would only use half of the 2 southern patches( or northern patches if you like).
Therefore this change seems to me as having ruined that method, which wasn't the purpose of the Hosidius rework in the first place (I am sure I am not the only one who used this method for farm training as I found it on Youtube).
My suggestion to make sure that the method can still be used is to change the Tithe farm to 3x4 patches instead of 2x5, because it would also make it able to race your friend who can do the same method with you.
I hope you consider my view.
23-May-2019 14:20:50