I would like the divine sigil idea if it wasn't for 1 thing: it'd be guaranteed to make the price of ely crash. I have a simple idea that would fix this, and osrs has a good history of using this type of strategy in the past.
Instead of making corp drop a divine sigil, make him drop a divine core. This core can then be added to an elysian sigil to make a divine sigil. It's a simple idea, it would keep elys from crashing, and this thing has been done plenty of times in the past, e.g., the pegasian, eternal, and primordial boots, the dragon hunter lance, the magic fang, etc.
Since this would make it much more expensive as well, I think it would be good to remove, or at least lessen, the prayer drainage effect.
Also, if this suggestion is to be was implemented and we don't want something to happen to the price of the core similar to what happened to the price of the pegasian crystal, we would have to make it so that the divine core is at least as rare of a drop as the elysian sigil.
16-Feb-2019 18:59:56
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16-Feb-2019 19:13:12