Can you also please amend the poll to include a cosmetic change to the ferocious gloves? Currently, they don't cover your hands, so you can't really see them. I don't care that much, but actually being able to see them on those little Runescape meatball hands would be nice.
Q8: I think that's a must. It'd also be nice for it to have a chance of dropping an extra one as well. Once they're noted, it's easier to get more of them out into the economy if needed since it's a one-click stack.
Q9: Will this be to get to the Hydra for bossing, or just to receive stuff? Why not put the recovery chest right in the first room so people don't also use it to EZTele right to the boss?
Q13: It's good, but my main gripe is the crowds. It'd be nice to have a non-task and task-only room.
Q16: what if someone already completed it?
Also, can the recolored slayer helm perk be titled "Hydra Headgear"?
15-Jan-2019 18:44:22