Loving the looting bag updates, I hope it will get rid of those pesky looting bots once and for all.
As for the pid change, I have one (major) problem with it, but I also have a solution I'd like to propose.
The problem
When pid is reassigned mid fight, this sometimes leads to a "pid swap stack'. If player one is using range to ags on player two, and between shooting the arrow and using the ags the pid changes from player two to player one, then the arrow and ags land on the exact same tick.
This pid swap stack is a "perfect" stack, meaning both hits are in the exact same tick.
Players can't eat against this, aside from just safing the entire fight, and it is impossible to predict.
This unfortunate side effect of pid changing takes a way part the skill in pking and bothers a lot of good pkers, especially in risk fights. It is as if your opponent can suddenly hit higher than they are supposed to be able to.
If this isn't clear, please reply and I will try to find a video of a pid swap stack compared to a regular stack to clarify.
The solution
Every time pid swaps players, the player who receives the pid is given a delay of one tick to their current cool down (the period between two hits), you change the attack speed temporarily. It would be similar to when you eat food which then prevents you from hitting your opponent for a few ticks.
This way the ags (in my example) would land one tick later than it would right now. Meaning it lands one tick after the arrow, as with a regular msb to ags stack.
If the player is simply shooting arrows and not about to ags, then the solution I propose will not have any negative consequences other than a temporary change in attack speed.
10-Aug-2018 00:46:46