Please do not let something like this pass. Lowering the barrier for entry takes away the joy of having gotten to the point where you're actually able to clear it without the proposed "easy mode".
Take a look at World of Warcraft for example. They've got 4 difficulties of each raid tier: "LFR/Looking for Raid", an extremely easy version of the content, often called "tourist mode" so that everyone can view the content without having to put much effort in.
"Normal mode", often called the entry for raiding on the game, as just about everyone who actually go through the effort of making groups outside of the automatic system don't consider "LFR" to be raiding
"Heroic Mode", considered challenging but do-able to the semi-casual players
"Mythic Mode", the toughest of content. Can take days to learn and kill the bosses, and many players choose to not take part as it's "too hard".
So, why did I bring this up? There's extreme controversy within WoW about, specifically the "LFR" difficulty, and about different difficulty modes as well, but to a lesser extent. So much so that they're now developing Classic, a version of the game where the game-design was much more ruthless in terms of development philosophy. They're basically doing what OSRS did back in 2013.
Releasing an easier version (and harder version as well, I don't like the CoX hard-mode either) is the first major step down the slippery slope to "dumbing down" the game for people who don't want to put in the effort of overcoming the initial barrier of entry. Please do not open the floodgates of people who are not willing to go through the effort of completing what is supposed to be some of the hardest content in the game. It devalues being better than other people, and is exactly what led me to quit WoW and focus entirely on OSRS instead. Bumping people up to a level where they can do the newest content instead of working their way to it is
the way to go. If this becomes the norm, I will quit
ask me about edgy things
03-Jul-2018 14:25:54