Oh nice, another half-fix to a problem that will just cause further inconvenience to the actual players. God forbid you guys ever spend more than 5 minutes thinking up a real solution. I can think of several better ways right off the top of my head that this could've been implemented differently without needlessly impacting the normal user:
Make the limitation total XP-based rather than total level-based, who ever thought level-based was a good idea?
What about the players going hard focusing on one skill for a few months? The base total level is 32, add 97 to that for achieving level 98 in a single skill and you get
129 total level
. They've been playing for months now and can't use the clan chat because they're not total level 150 yet!? "Nope they must be a spammer!!!!" What is this logic??
Make the limitation account age-based, this one is common sense?
We know you store our registration dates in the database with our accounts, so why not actually utilize it and check if account is X days old before using this feature? Oh wait no I'm sure you guys "don't have the ability to do that" and "waiting on the engine team for that update but it'll have to wait for their other priorities." Right? Classic, Jagex.
Make an actual system to combat the spammers?
You would think this is common sense, but nope too much work, easier to just restrict accounts that Jagex deems unworthy, regardless of how much time and effort the player put into that account.
You bring back Old School RuneScape for the players and the game has been on a downward spiral ever since, especially after adding all the new JMods who seem to like cutting corners instead of addressing issues from a logical standpoint. Quick to roll out a "temporary fix" which has been
waiting a week to be released
, you had all that time to make it better! Such bad judgement all around. Keep ruining your game, one update at a time!
I'm out.
17-May-2018 16:05:43