Ok, so i have a few things to say about the mobile app on ios. Regarding the chat boxes on the upper left hand corner, i found it difficult to click on the boxes without having my character drop what he's doing and run off to where i miss clicked. This miss clicking also accounts for the text box, so talking to people would generally be difficult and kind of annoying to do. i know for a fact it's not my fingers because i also tried using a stylus to test the accuracy of the clicking, and i would still be off by like a centimeter or two.There is also an issue with distorted audio when i would get a phone call or if i would accidentally hit the home button. The audio would get all choppy and i would have to restart the app to restore the music and other sound effects. The fairy ring interface also had these large lines going down through the middle of each letter, although i use the box on the right side for direct teleportation, it was still kind of annoying to see those lines. Other than these few things, the application runs smoothly and i would have no issues playing whether it was on my wifi or on my cellular service. I also did a few quests in the "pirate" series up to The Great Brain Robbery and was happy with how well the game ran even though there were cut scenes. I would also suggest moving the total xp box slightly higher in comparison to other boxes that show up in its place. For example, while doing Nightmare Zone, i couldn't tell how many points i was accumulating because the xp box was in the way. I really like the placement of the tabs on the sides of the screen, it took a little bit of getting used to but i'd say i'm pretty efficient now when doing prayer switches, eating and whatnot. Good job on the application so far. Overall 14/10, would wait patiently in everlasting despair for full release.
Iphone 6s+ btw
16-Apr-2018 22:06:54
- Last edited on
16-Apr-2018 22:07:48
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