Totally not a fan of the black chinchompa change. I know that wildy is a risky place, but it should be able to do some skilling in wildy without a big risk. Pk'ers will almost always win a fight against a skiller (abyss,mining,hunter) because they are ofcourse prepared for a fight. I don't understand why an unfair fight should bring alot of loot to pk'ers, while usually they don't risk much gp too ( usually 1-itemming, danger of smiting ).
If pk'ers want to make profit they should join bounty-hunter worlds, PvP worlds or Wildy PK worlds, where pk'ers meet pk'ers.
If ManU wins an cup game against a lower team, they don't get the same bonus as winning the champion's league. Why give PK'ers the bonus to win against skillers instead of other PK'ers.
Power to the people
But are the people fit to rule?
15-Feb-2018 12:36:33