Does anyone else fins that the 1/50 vorkath head drop is very pointless after the avas accumulator. I think it would be awesome if they gave more use to it or maybe gave an option to exchange it for another roll on the drop table. I have been simply farming vorkath trying to get the 1/65 elite clue and I have gotten 4 vorkath heads but not a clue yet. no I dont already have one in my bank and its been frustrating seeing 4 pointless vorkath heads with very little to no use after the avas piece. Has there been any talk or ideas to make them have a point at all? or should i just be dropping them and praying over my doo doo RNG. (also have 2 jars of decayand no other unique drops. my "luck" here is horrible in all regards, however it is the money dragon so that keeps me coming back. PLEASE do what you can to make it a little bit less daunting for people trying to get useful drops. Or eliminate the pointless ones.......i have absolutley no use for 25 vorkath heads.....RNG if you can here me...stop "blessing" me with 4 of them in 120 kills when i am simply hoping for an elite clue.
01-Feb-2023 18:29:32