Pros-granite hammer- great that speed is good as scim. cons- 60% is too much for an underpowered spec. 50% please.
granite ring pros: none. when embuned 16+ is basically dead content because of thhe level requirements please consider a 50 str req only.
granite gloves- 2nd best if not best armour or weapon update in this update(considering the cannon balls arnt tradable).
granite boots -- disappointed with the def bonuses. expecialy when a ring gives a better bonus.
str bonus should match that of dragon boots. 3+ is too underpowered especialy compared to whats already out there.,
please read and consider my thoughts., 11 years of scaping
Really cool set of bosses. I probably won't do them any time soon (still a bit of a newbie in OSRS compared to RS3), but out of curiosity, why are so many of the drops focused on low-level gear? With the exception of the boots, everything else seems to be level 50. I presume these bosses are for higher leveled players, around 100 I'm guessing, but even if they were designed for players at 70-80 combat, those level 50 drops don't really offer anything useful for them. Sure you can sell the items if they're worth selling, but you still might be better off doing Barrows anyways.
Here, I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret!
I'm not a hcim but on the last phase the boss can knock player against a wall and then make the flame circle around it with exit against the wall so player WILL take 55 damage and instantly die because of being unable to eat and unable to leave the barrier.
So I just killed a few grotesque guardians and i gotta say, they're awesome. It's fun to slay them, drops are nice and all. Just one thing:
When Dusk creates the square where you have to run out of, it happens, that sometimes he creates it in a corner and on a even rarer occasion the exit will be facing the wall, leaving actually no possible exit at all. I'm not sure if this is intended, but if not, I would appreciate the fix