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Question: Should we add a minigame chat channel and accompanying teleport for Clan Wars?
RIP Ring of Dueling
Great, now we have teleport to literally every inch of the game :S
Why will people travel throughout the map now ?
That's really awkward, teleports everywhere but still no mounts
Mounts would be far more interesting aditions than teleports to every square of the map.
08-Jul-2014 20:03:10
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08-Jul-2014 20:05:24
Should we remove the 40 attack experience gained from killing the Ice lord during the Cold war quest.? This will allow level 3 accounts to complete the quest without gaining combat experience.
Am I missing something here? ;\ What is the use of the Cold War quest to lvl 3s? 40 attack xp also doesn't give a lvl
I don't understand, after 15 years of RS why is there a need to change resources respawn rates ? :S:S It make sense to have less populated worlds producing less resources and full worlds more.
Should we standardise respawn rates of monsters and resources so that all worlds act as full worlds? The Dagannoth Kings will remain unchanged.
How would u possibly consider this?? It's even getting through the votes
Hands down for the person who thought out the way respawns work right now. Changing this would be stupid in any way.
I definitely dislike the idea of stuffing 07 with pets, so I'm voting no to them. But perhaps a toggle that hides all pets could be added, so everyone can be happy?