Unlike most of these people, this update makes me happy.
The map is wonderful.
Anyone who complained about void being nerfed are babies.
The Serp helm I'm 50/50 on, they shouldn't have removed the venom, but lower str bonus was needed.
And finally, I'm most happy about Zulrah. All my friends everytime I say I need to make some money. "Go do Zulrah" "zulrah" "zulrah." I don't like it, it isn't interesting, and the profits needed to be nerfed. (although they weren't honest, it does look more like a 50% decrease than 30%)
Obviously these things weren't polled because they would have never passed. "It's going to end up like rs3" My ass, you idiots always voting 75%+ on all these stupid updates are making the game slowly unbearable. I want "OSRS" not "OSRS Super Modified"
25-May-2017 12:39:55