Some good ideas and I particularly like the group style activities. But you really need to be more considerate when making xp rates. It seems like those rates will kill content such as motherload mine, which I consider to be one of the best updates to come to Oldschool since release. If motherload mine is killed I think that would be a shame.
I believe it's possible to have both mining activities exist in the game in a balanced way. I would definitely do a mixture of the two. But with 80kxp/hour at level 85 I doubt many would be willing to use motherload mine at all with that much of an xp increase. I often find myself doing content that is not the most efficient just because I enjoy it, but a 100% increase in xp would be too much to give up.
I have a suggestion for the mining mini-game. That you get a 'commission' based on how much you produce individually, much like how stealing creation worked. You'd get your base xp rates, which will account for say 75% of the overall xp, but that extra 25% xp should vary from 0-25% based on how well you do individually. This would encourage participation and also make the mini-game feel more rewarding.
19-Apr-2017 15:41:22