Specifics would be a pj timer like pvp worlds because there are literally ccs in the pure community full of pures that are in teams and in team chats, that will sit in east level 4-5 singles edge wildy, and continuously pj targets in a group, and rush anyone outside of their clique. I just got back into pking on my pure again recently, and when I had stopped before it had started to become a big problem, but now it's way out of control.
I do understand that pk clans and teams have a whole singles community where they pile people in deep wild even though it's singles so I'd say only have the pj timer up to 10 wildy since most BH targ hunting doesn't go that far. Or just have it on the entire BH world.
Second thing would be all those great bounty rewards that were suggested when BH first got announced should be revamped and repolled because the store is pretty dead, full of things that a lot of people own like cosmetic enhancements and stuff. The ring that increased the chance of bolt spec was something I was really hoping for.
Also the gmaul upgrade with maybe a defence requirement would be cool.
Other things would be like a target arrow on the minimap like the giant mole arrow that is about to be implemented, pointing to where your target is, so that people can go different places other than immediately north of edge bank, and everything isn't so crowded.
Also tele penalties would be great because the amount of rushers is insane. same with people that pretend to fight but just spec within the first 3 hits and tele if they fail.
09-Mar-2017 11:28:01