
Dev Blog: PvP QoL Poll

Quick find code: 380-381-364-65880688

DJ Nintendo

DJ Nintendo

Posts: 242 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think we should talk about minimum risk over whether or not our opponent is skulled.

I hate fighting 3 itemers who risk 50k. But this goes the same for AGS pures who use msb for DPS who risk... like 10k.

Also, repolling teleblock in f2p seems reasonable.

Are we trying to crash emblems? i dont care either way, just simply curious.

I agree with targets passed level 5, its annoying to skip 3 targets in a row over deep wild targets.

Can we discuss more minigames. I enjoyed some of the rewards of soul wars, stealing creation, fist of guthix, and revs (yea i consider them a minigame)

16-Feb-2017 03:30:23



Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When dropping items in the wilderness, ALL items should be visible instantly including foods and pots. If teams provide hep to their own teammates by doing that then so what, its the whole point of being on a team. It doesn't make sense to restrict some items and not others. I don't like that personally.

I think emblem drops from bosses should reduce to like 1 in 15 or 20. 1 in 5 is too easy I think.

16-Feb-2017 09:29:32



Posts: 39 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My thoughts (1/3)

GE emblems
[No.] Prices will go down, even if they only decrease by 10k thats still a bad thing. The fact that emblems are hard to sell in bulk is only a problem for those that normally dont bother selling the emblems. The only reason you will ever reach a big stack of emblems is when you are so rich that you dont have to sell them. The people that do actually need the money do not have stacks of 100's of emblems. They will also be hit hardest by the update.

Droprate emblems PVM
[hesitant yes] I don't really pvm so I don't know if this will be op gp/hr for pvmers but it seems like a good way to draw more pvmers to world 18, thus causing a more active deep wildy pking scene.

No targets beyond 5 Wilderness
[yes but tweak pls] Getting deep wildy targets is an annoyance to almost all bh pkers so I like the thought behind the update, however I think this is not the best solution.
Allthough I rarely deep wildy pk, I can often be found in lvl 6 or 7 wilderness because it is less crowded there. In the future this would mean I wont get targets, I think the max level should be changed to 10. Especially because you very rarely get non edge pker targets in level 5-10.

Some people actually do enjoy going to deep wildy to hunt their targets. For these people this update wouldn't be fun, not even if changed from 1-5 to 1-10. Maybe a better idea is to have skips of targets above level 5 (or 10) not count towards the penaly.

Overlay changes
[Yes but tweak please] The problem in bh is not that people do not skull, the problem is that unskullers often do not risk as much as skullers. Or that they use op gear without risking more than the average pker. This can be fixed by mentioning the risk of the player (as can be seen in the armour tab) instead of their skull status. This will give the opponent some indication of your risk. Maybe people would use items priced high in the ge to act as if they risk a lot though :S

16-Feb-2017 12:01:18



Posts: 39 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My thoughts (2/3)
Overlay changes continued
I think showing tiers is a good idea, some people that this will make it riskier to have a high tier but I do not see the issue here. If it gets harder to get a high tier, they will be more valuable. This is also a way to show to people that you actually risk your tier, because everyone lies about them alll the time.

Teleport to Bounty Target rune cost change
[No] This spell is mostly used by rushers and raggers, why would you want to make it easier for them?
A way this spell is already abused and will be abused W A Y more if made free is teleporting to tank hits. This can already be seen in pvp worlds at for example v sq. People repeatedly teleport-shoot-teleport-shoot, this way they can hit their opponents but they cant hit them back.

item dropping
[SEPERATE or heavy NO!] I am a seasoned risk fighter and ranked in the f2p risk cc "gp risks" so I know coin drop scammers are very common. The update to make dropped items show up immediately is a good way to stop these people and so I support it.
However, if lured into or accidentally teleported into pvp zones with valuables, you could no longer try to drop them and pick them back up.

Making food and potions not appear is a terrible idea. This is a fundemental part of team pking and should stay the way it is. If anything remove the ancient maces. As long as this is a part of the same question I will vote NO because I know how important this is to teams.

The only way I see this being a good thing is because it will reduce looter bots but I think other alternatives would be better solutions.

Reduced experience for splashing a Teleblock
[Yes] I mean yeah, but why not make it more xp if succesful...?

16-Feb-2017 12:01:34



Posts: 39 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
my thoughts (3/3)
Teleblock duration information
[NO] Allthough it would be nice to know exactly how long untill your tb wears off, this will make it too easy for noobs to tank tbs (they often dont even notice its been 5 min alrdy) but mostly. This will make it very easy for teams to reTB you as they are not trying to tank under stress and can therefore more easily use timers etc to know exactly when your tb wears off.

The easy solve would be to make retbing impossible but this is not fun either. Retbing right now takes effort because you have to try every few seconds for a full minute, this is balanced and makes it fair for both parties.

Teleblocks removed in PvP safe zones

[sure w.e] I mean idc but why not, you can already relog to lose your tb anyways. Make it last untill you are out of combat though, so you cant escape that final dose of poision or w.e that would kill you in the first 10 seconds of you leaving the danger zones. (so you cant tele to your house to avoid this)

zammy wines
[idk, yes?] I dont use this money making method so idk if it will be op if there are more spots, but it will make the wildy more active.

k/d ratio
[Yes] I mean this will be fun I guess. Maybe people that do both edge pking and deep wildy pking will want the two seperated so their edge pking kd doesnt influence their deep wildy tribridding/clanning k/d ratio.
I have one major issue with this though: KEEP IT PRIVATE! NO HIGHSCORES! Bragging about your k/d could be fun but people will start skipping you because your kd is 20. People will also start preying on people with low kd's because they are free loot.

16-Feb-2017 12:01:46

Swag Of RS

Swag Of RS

Posts: 37 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Teleblock is needed for f2p

Also for the pvp clanning community we need defence restricted world for the pure community.

There should be f2p defence restricted pvp worlds which should have a 20 defence restriction

Similarly to p2p pure pk worlds which should have similar defence restrictions

Also if jagex thinks this is too much for the servers to handle they can restrict the worlds to like 800 max players or less

The pvp pure community needs this

16-Feb-2017 12:03:26

Feb Member 2023


Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
all the people who say items should not appear straight away because if you pk an ags you can never loot it because a lvl 3 picks it up thats not what they mean if you get a kill it will only be visible just for you for a min after that it spawns for any other which was logged in by the time the drop spawned, what they mean is people dying and drop some items fast which they are about to lose then they run back and pick them up within the first 60 secs so they dont lose it at dying thats what they mean and they mean food and pots are not visible straight away because if you tanking from lvl 20 to 1 and u are tbed followed up by a clan u got your lvl 30 buddy running around there dropping food under you and you picking it up so u can still tank until lvl 1 wilderness thats what they mean by it
different solution instead of removing getting targets past 5 wildy make it so if you get a target past lvl 5 or 10 wildy dunno what the limit should be its not counting for your skip target limit
make it so only targets who are skipped under level 5-10 wilderness gets counted for the skip target 30min limit easy solve

sorry for my bad english

16-Feb-2017 14:36:23

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