My thoughts (2/3)
Overlay changes continued
I think showing tiers is a good idea, some people that this will make it riskier to have a high tier but I do not see the issue here. If it gets harder to get a high tier, they will be more valuable. This is also a way to show to people that you actually risk your tier, because everyone lies about them alll the time.
Teleport to Bounty Target rune cost change
[No] This spell is mostly used by rushers and raggers, why would you want to make it easier for them?
A way this spell is already abused and will be abused W A Y more if made free is teleporting to tank hits. This can already be seen in pvp worlds at for example v sq. People repeatedly teleport-shoot-teleport-shoot, this way they can hit their opponents but they cant hit them back.
item dropping
[SEPERATE or heavy NO!] I am a seasoned risk fighter and ranked in the f2p risk cc "gp risks" so I know coin drop scammers are very common. The update to make dropped items show up immediately is a good way to stop these people and so I support it.
However, if lured into or accidentally teleported into pvp zones with valuables, you could no longer try to drop them and pick them back up.
Making food and potions not appear is a terrible idea. This is a fundemental part of team pking and should stay the way it is. If anything remove the ancient maces. As long as this is a part of the same question I will vote NO because I know how important this is to teams.
The only way I see this being a good thing is because it will reduce looter bots but I think other alternatives would be better solutions.
Reduced experience for splashing a Teleblock
[Yes] I mean yeah, but why not make it more xp if succesful...?
16-Feb-2017 12:01:34