Are you people ignoring the fact that these were added, but wasn't passed? Also, where's the promised 1 female hair style?
The website's "poll results page" is wrong. You have to go in-game to see the ACTUAL yes/no percentages. Basically, the website is wrong because it counts "skip question" votes in the total vote %, when it's not supposed to.
The problem of raid rewards doesn't lie in its rarity, but rather in its requirements. When raids were announced, I was expecting these awesome dungeon raids that would unite all Runescapers regardless of their levels. Instead it's just maxed account content. Casual players will never get to that stage.
11-Feb-2017 23:02:33
- Last edited on
12-Feb-2017 22:18:48
Mr Simpleton
Great update guys! Can't wait to get a golem pet and then go through the bother of grabbing some blurite ore. Because we can objectively state that it is the best looking one.
prayer scrolls should be via a new quest nice and fair just like piety. Or should be 15m max price, loads off rangers builds cant do raids. I wish raids where for the whole community
some people spend years building pvp builds that cant access raids, it should be made ava for all pvmers above 90 cmbt ish
Well it's as you described. They built their accounts specifically for *PVP*. If they want to PvM endgame effectively, they should either turn that account into a Main build, or create a second account for PVM.
The issue with creating content that allows for people in mid level tiers such as 90~100 combat to do the boss, or activity very effectively is that it is then open for a massive range of people to do. So if any unique items are there, then those would drop in price quicker than if it were endgame content. And any regular material or supply-based loot would negatively impact the prices of those existing items on the market.
If they altered raids to account for lower levels as well, they'd be too easy for those maxed mains and we'd run into the same problem we had before. Which is why they decided to ramp up the difficulty on the raid in the first place.
If you are affected by this then I'd recommend either turning your PvP build account into a Main account because you can still PK on a main and lots of people do. Or you should start a 2nd account on the side and train it over time into a main account. You will virtually have access to ALL content that way. Only limited by your desire to learn new endgame content, and existing content not yet accessed due to it being locked behind a quest wall where quest rewards may have negatively impacted your PvP build.
I know this is a little late in the life of this update but i had an idea to add to the rock golum colorations. Why not use daeyalt ore to color them? It would give a use to the ore other than the quest. Plus the dark turquoise is a really pretty color.