Good point!
And also when are we going to also discuss other GE modifications? It is really frustrating when people try to scam with the infamous items that have a WRONG price in GE, not to mention other disadvantages, like you have to trial and error many priced until you are able to buy anything. What are we going to do about that?
So, my question was, when could we poll some GE modifications like being able to see the current offer/demand and the buy/sell prices FROM ACTUAL PLAYERS in order to provide more stability to the system?
If there existed modification on the duel arena stuff, without a poll there should also be modification to the current GE system.
This one is EXACTLY the same with the bad one introduced in the time that Jagex ppl tried to stop real-world trading.
We DO NOT NEED IT in it's actual form since Jagex solved real-world trading with bonds!
-- John Jak playing since 2005 or started 4226 days ago --
10-Nov-2016 13:36:28