Down the track, I think offering an eternal binding necklace as an extremely rare drop from sire would help keep lava rcing fun/updated for the nerds who want the highest effort for reward XP rates in the RC skill.
Mod Kieren
Down the track, I think offering an eternal binding necklace as an extremely rare drop from sire would help keep lava rcing fun/updated for the nerds who want the highest effort for reward XP rates in the RC skill.
Interesting idea!
I agree with this. If it is nerfed, it doesn't need to be the exact rate as the dev blog. Leave it some use
Yawn, I don't ever see me using ZMI. If I want effort+xp ill do lavas, if money is what I'm after I'll do double nats and if I cba to pay much attention but still want some xp I'll do zeah rcing. Dunno what everyone is so hyped for, but maybe I'm missing something...?