D imps
erm...where exactly is it?, I've been all over this mine, and cant seem to find it.
Jed put it in there somewhere. Maybe if you go to the shard room the old way, you'll find that end of the route more easily. (Sorry, I've not seen it myself and Jed's away.)
Any chance of polling equipping worn items from bank, while in bank interface? It would be convenient and awesome for PvP and PvM alike
We're in favour of that. Had a lot of other requests on too, so we've not got to it yet.
When is the Duel Arena update coming out?
No date set, but Maz tells me it's coming on well.
Nice job on the QoL updates, OSRS devs. You've done some great work recently
Also, I just have to give a shout-out to Fizzmaster_Cola for helping get my POH dungeon monster suggestion that I've been pushing for for almost a year into today's Q&A. This might finally happen!
22-Sep-2016 18:13:07
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2016 18:16:30
Yes! F2P skill worlds are live at last! Thanks for listening and for going the extra mile and making it only count F2P total level!
500 Skill Total World for F2P