I don't understand one thing. Why do you need grand exchange for lootshare? I understand it is a must for coinshare, but for lootshare you could just set the lootshare points for the items yourselves, for example: Armadyl Hilt would give you 25 milion lsp (lootshare points) and that number would divide by the number of people using lootshare. Ofcourse there are many items there, but why not use the same numbers for the certain type of drop rate: 100% drops - 50 lsp; common - 500 lsp; uncommon - 25000 lsp; rare - ~75000 or more lsp and set the lsp for the boss-dropped items like dragon chainbody, berserker ring to around 3 milion lsp.
11-Oct-2013 19:31:03