Can you make it possible to thieve Medium Clues? Currently you can thieve Easy Clues from HAM members (Level 15 Thieving), and get Hard Clues from Rogue's Chest (Level 84 Theiving), but there's no way to get Medium Clues from thieving. A possible source of these Medium Clues could be from thieving Guards @ Level 40. Considering you can get the Clues from killing them, it would make sense that you can pick-pocket the Clues off them as well. If level 40 is too low of a requirement, possibly making the Clue a reward from pick-pocketing Paladins or Menaphite Thugs, pretty much any thieving action between the levels of 15 (Easy Clues) and 84 (Hard Clues).
27-Jan-2016 16:21:27