Please do not change impling hunting to bare handed it would be a smack in the mouth for those of us who make the effort to carry around a net and jar just for the occasions you come across one whilst partaking in skills that involve moving around (Farming runs etc.).
A good QOL would be to make it so we could all once obtained have and keep 100% favour with all the Zeah houses that way some players including me would try out the other stuff at Zeah.
As it stands zeah is never going to used as much as it could.
Quote :
These little jobs can make a big impact and now that Jad 2 isn't coming until 2017, we've put aside February just to get these jobs done
Since Jad 2 failed its poll I can only assume you are now bypassing the polling system.
Memories of the bitter taste in my mouth when I quit rs3 after 7 years of constant membership on 2 accounts spring to mind.
Throwing in a second idea, what about Skilling Daylies?
Similar to the RS3 ones, except with less xp/reward pay out, but just as an incentive to train multiple skills you normally wouldn't do.
No to dailies, ruined the game for me! Always playing catch up and takes a chunk of time. Takes the challenge away from skills that are ment to be hard.....