Max Capes & HP Insurance
This week we've got several new versions of the max cape making their way into the game as well as Hitpoint insurance in Deadman mode! Let's get into the details...
Combination Max Capes
It is now possible to combine several best-in-slot capes with the max cape. The following capes can be combined:

Combining any of the above capes with the max cape will change the stats of the max cape to be the equivalent of the cape being combined. It will also have the same additional effects as the combined cape.
It is possible for us to allow more capes to be combined with the max cape in the future and we feel that the Ardougne cloak may prove to be a popular addition to the above list.
Deadman HP Insurance
A strange woman named Gelin has appeared in Lumbridge graveyard selling life insurance. For a reasonable price you can insure your hitpoint stat to guarantee that it will not fall below a certain level when you die in Deadman mode.
These are one-time payments. Once you insure your hitpoint stat at a certain level it will never fall below it.
Gelin does not offer refunds for her insurance policies, since she is not intended to act as a coin storage.

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Quality of Life/Other updates
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

19-Nov-2015 10:31:21 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2015 10:51:51 by Mod Ronan