Don't care for any of these updates, I mean I'll participate in most of them, but this isn't what interests me.
More skilling QoL updates, not everyone is pain free and could do click intensive skills for more than a couple hours. Pretty upsetting that the only options for 99 hunter is red chinchompas, and black chinchompas (real creative). D&D's would be nice, it's a good break from the grind, plus more minigames. Only ONE new minigame since this game came out, and it's a dead, basic PvP minigame.
Sure PvP and PvM are some of the most wanted content, but it's becoming all this game is about, the updates for them aren't even social, socialization is probably the main part of this game that's enjoyable. Zulrah screwed up the OSRS economy, corporeal beast lead to serious DDOSing/looting for days (should have required a quest at least), this game is just very antisocial+terrible community. Co-op slay provides no benefits, solo slay bosses that make tasks TAKE hours to complete, these bosses would have been a perfect opportunity to get people to use co-op slayer.
The OSRS team is extremely small compared to the size of the community, many people have already MAXED all their stats on here. I love this game, but it could be so much more, I'm sitting here reaching for max to kill time for updates I actually give a **** about. Zeah is supposed to be an exciting update, but it was polled so long ago that it just seems like another thing that'll turn out to be disappointing.
One thing I do look forward to, is all the bugs that'll be in Zeah.
07-Oct-2015 08:40:32