I've heard from a regular poster in the thread I made in Oldschool General that you guys plan to make skilling pets so rare that someone who can train that skill from 1-99 and not be able to obtain it
. Keyword: Easily.
Come on, Jagex. I know you guys want to keep pets prestigious, but making it nothing short of a myth and someone literally maxing the skill from ZERO can EASILY not get this pet? That's a bit too much.
Even for pet overcrowding issue, putting them decently rare would more than curb that issue already. If a pet such as cats whom everyone from all walks of play style can obtain DOES NOT CAUSE such issue, there'd be no chance, not even remotely, that a rare pet can cause this issue. So far, I have not seen throughout my playing experience that there's a flooding of pets within one area, boss or not, even when my home world is a high level world where people in GE tend to show off their hard-to-get pets there.
For maintaining value, making them rare would be great, but to the extent that someone gaining 13 MILLION XP and EASILY not earn it? That's over-valued and I know I'm making an understatement on that.
Please, release these pets as a decent rare pets where people actually have a realistic chance to get it within their journey to maxing the skill (and maxing the skill actually do take a lot of time, even if you choose the highest xp/hr method), not a pet where people can max the skill 1.5 - 2 times over and still won't earn it.
17-Sep-2015 21:35:48