
Dev Blog: Content Poll #36

Quick find code: 380-381-219-65678871

Rare Thot

Rare Thot

Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The skilling pet idea seems great but here is one thing. It is hard to abolish bots so we must make a method that only legit players are able to obtain the pets. Here is my idea, everyone is able to get the pet but it appears in ticket form in your inventory to be redeemed with a bank pin or series of clicks, after 10 minutes the ticket vanishes and must be obtained once again. This idea would definitely not be a big deal for legit players since we are most always looking at our clients. Hopefully Jagex reads this and responds because I think this is a great idea for countering botting.

Pros about this idea:
-People seeing another player with a mega-rare pet will know it is legit
-having a certain time limit on the "ticket" will make it nearly impossible for botters to obtain(until scripts that come out to counter this of course)

Other ideas:
-The ticket could have a 20 minute timer and the player must go to Probita in Ardougne to receive their pet!

overall this seems like an interesting idea and i hope Jagex utilizes this one way or another

PS: put a sea turtle in for fishing :D

17-Sep-2015 18:42:05 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2015 18:43:12 by Rare Thot



Posts: 1,099 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've heard from a regular poster in the thread I made in Oldschool General that you guys plan to make skilling pets so rare that someone who can train that skill from 1-99 and not be able to obtain it EASILY . Keyword: Easily.

Come on, Jagex. I know you guys want to keep pets prestigious, but making it nothing short of a myth and someone literally maxing the skill from ZERO can EASILY not get this pet? That's a bit too much.

Even for pet overcrowding issue, putting them decently rare would more than curb that issue already. If a pet such as cats whom everyone from all walks of play style can obtain DOES NOT CAUSE such issue, there'd be no chance, not even remotely, that a rare pet can cause this issue. So far, I have not seen throughout my playing experience that there's a flooding of pets within one area, boss or not, even when my home world is a high level world where people in GE tend to show off their hard-to-get pets there.

For maintaining value, making them rare would be great, but to the extent that someone gaining 13 MILLION XP and EASILY not earn it? That's over-valued and I know I'm making an understatement on that.

Please, release these pets as a decent rare pets where people actually have a realistic chance to get it within their journey to maxing the skill (and maxing the skill actually do take a lot of time, even if you choose the highest xp/hr method), not a pet where people can max the skill 1.5 - 2 times over and still won't earn it.

17-Sep-2015 21:35:48



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pets should be either only available at level 99 of that skill or.. Another thought is (although I understand it would mean they can be buyable) players should in some way be able to trade their resources from that skill for a chance at the pet. For example in terms of fishing, the player can use a pestle and mortar and mash up shark, then from certain spots such as the dock in the fishing guild throw them out to sea. This then leads to birds circling around the fish guts etc and every time you have a small chance of obtaining the pet. Something similar could be implemented for the other skills too, in turn this would also raise shark prices as they're horrific at the moment. Furthermore it would mean people who have spent the last months grinding to 99 and thus have loads of logs/sharks etc have the opportunity and don't as much have to go back and do it all again for the pet.
Just a thought anyway :)

18-Sep-2015 09:43:33 - Last edited on 18-Sep-2015 15:46:00 by xFraz

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love the skillin pet ideas people make valid points bout bots slash over crowding so to limit it slightly id make it so u had to have that skill cape to have that pet maybe only get chance at getting pet once u hit 99 or a chance to get it any time but only able to have it follow u once u wear the cape but as far as bots go make the pet act as a random once u get it instead of like boss pets it instantly follows it will say something ull have to click on it * talk to make a friend after a time limit he will leave if u didn't talk to him that would also help n the idea of wat happens if im fishin n I fill my invo the moment I got the pet wat happens does he wonder around then go away or have it act as if it was a random waiting for u to respond

18-Sep-2015 11:50:35

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SaintWilliam said :
I love the skillin pet ideas people make valid points bout bots slash over crowding so to limit it slightly id make it so u had to have that skill cape to have that pet maybe only get chance at getting pet once u hit 99 or a chance to get it any time but only able to have it follow u once u wear the cape but as far as bots go make the pet act as a random once u get it instead of like boss pets it instantly follows it will say something ull have to click on it * talk to make a friend after a time limit he will leave if u didn't talk to him that would also help n the idea of wat happens if im fishin n I fill my invo the moment I got the pet wat happens does he wonder around then go away or have it act as if it was a random waiting for u to respond

also pet ideas here-
the fishing pet haron? ya I don't think so sea turtle all the way or no pet at all magikarp doesn't need to b n osrs but blastoise can haha no really sea turtle it up that's a amazing pet
mining pet golem good idea but idk wat he will look like id like to see it b able to change from bronze iron mith addy rune ect... like zul can change colors
wood cutting pet a beaver .... oh ffs id b so upset to get a beaver come on use ur imagination ent or fairy anything just not a beaver ffs
hunter pet I love chin idea but u should b able to change the chin from white red * black it shouldn't matter wat u were hunting to end up getting it
BUT I do think more pets need to b n game for sure pets show skill well normally

18-Sep-2015 11:57:46

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