Ty can you add Impling Jars to the grand exchange i cant sell Dragon Magpie or Ninja impling jars on there thanks.
Implings are on the Grand Exchange.
These Jars are currently unable to be Bought/Sold on Grand Exchange
Baby impling Jar
Young impling Jar
Gourmet impling Jar
Earth impling Jar
Essence impling Jar
Eclectic impling Jar
Nature impling Jar
Magpie impling Jar
Ninja impling Jar
Dragon impling Jar
Any mod's help me!? i accidentally clicked the wrong training program for the reward from MM and it ruined my pure. Is it possible to make it reset?!
~Would mean A'LOT to me!
Are we ever going to see a fix to the Lumbridge Hard Diary about having to buy a second pair of Barrows Gloves? Like the correction made to the Iban's Staff? Thanks I really don't want to spend another 120k for only a diary accomplishment.