February was a huge month for Old School. With both permanent F2P and the Grand Exchange released, it was one of our biggest months to date.
March is going to be no different. Achievement Diaries, Membership Bonds and more... Let's get into the details of what the next month holds!
Achievement Diaries
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Achievement Diaries have been in the works for quite some time now and we are finally approaching release. Development of the Achievement Diaries has come along leaps and bounds since February and we are aiming to have them out this Thursday. With 10 brand new diaries , this update is going to be a big one.

Completing all diaries is a truly elite accomplishment and will allow you to get your hands on the Achievement Diary Cape. Completing all diaries will also trim your Quest Cape!
Let's not forget that along the way you'll also earn yourself various pieces of equipment. Shown below is the elite set of armour earned by completing all diaries.

Membership Bonds
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Membership bonds will allow you to buy membership for your account using in game gold pieces. Once membership bonds are released, you will be able to purchase them from other players or from the Grand Exchange.

At the moment membership bonds can only be redeemed for membership. If the community want to use them for other things such as paying for Runefest we can add that, but it will need to pass a poll.
Once membership bonds are released you will be able to purchase one to give or sell to another player by clicking on the 'buy a bond' link on the main page and following the instruction to buy a bond from our website. You will then be able to give the bond to another player or sell it on the Grand Exchange.
Membership bonds should be launched mid-March. Watch for news on the website for more information.
Near miss poll content
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We recently ran a near miss poll that covered a large amount of content. From wilderness boss pets to new clan wars game modes, the poll had a bit of everything. Later on in March we will see the first batch of content from the near miss poll coming to Old School.
Let's go over a few of the poll options that passed. Please note: it will likely take more than one update to get all of the content from the near miss poll in game.
Wilderness boss pets
When boss pets were originally polled, boss pet drops from the wilderness bosses did not pass. We added them to the near miss poll as we felt that the community now had a much better understanding of the impact that boss pets have and they passed with flying colours.
In the near future you will be able to get your hands on pets from Vet'ion, Venenatis, Callisto and Scorpia.

Skipping dialogue with the space bar
One of the most highly requested updates since the start of Old School has finally passed! At some point in the coming weeks we will be releasing the ability to skip through dialogue using the space bar and the ability to select from dialogue options with numbers on your keyboard.
This update is a simple one but simplifies a number of parts of the game. Definitely an update to look forward to.
Increasing poll requirements
We are going to be increasing the requirements to vote on a poll to 300 total level and 25 hours time played.
In order for these requirements to be enforced we are going to discontinue the ability to vote through the website poll module. This also means that it will not be possible to view polls through the website until after they are complete.
You can see a detailed explanation of all of the content included in the near miss poll by reading the developer blog and can see what passed over on the poll results page.
Easter 2015
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Be sure to follow Mod Ash on Twitter to see the inevitable behind the scenes sneak-peeks when they come.
Mods Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

02-Mar-2015 16:44:12