I think the Grand Exchange as is shouldn't pass the poll but Jagex states that it'll have small changes made in a poll next week if it is to pass. So will the changes be polled before the release or will they be polled after the Grand Exchange is in-game for a week? It just says next week in the Dev-blog, but doesn't say when the GE would be ready.
Personally I'm voting no as I don't support the old Grand Exchange, however I would change my mind if the following were made as I think it's necessary otherwise the economy is going to change too significantly..
Should the Grand Exchange only process transactions when you are logged on RuneScape?
(Will lessen the amount of Merchants/Merchant bots that will manipulate the prices in the Grand Exchange and make millions with little to no effort)
Should the Grand Exchange only be accessible with a total level of 500-1000+?
(Will lessen the amount of bots that would trade through the Grand Exchange so they wouldn't have as much of an impact on the prices, I thought 500-1000 total because it's easily obtainable for a real player to get these levels within a week or two of playing the game. While on the other hand most bots only train 1-5 skills so it would be more difficult for them to obtain 500-1000+ total level.
I think a lot of players think 'Grand Exchange?!' and go 'woo I can easily sell my items' but they don't think about the negative impact it has on the game and the unfair advantages that comes with it.
Merchanters will make ridiculous amounts of money again and you will be disadvantaged if you aren't doing it, but you shouldn't have to do it to be successful in-game because it's not what the game is about.
Lastly, item limits wont do much for the economy as you can easily have multiple accounts to bypass the limit. This will obviously be seen with bots more than with players.
I hope these few questions are included in the poll.