Why don't we offer a modified GE? Like the GE from RS3, but with a few changes, such as putting it in the Falador trading area instead of Varrock, or making it work just for online players, or making it use the existing Trading Post models so that it's available in every bank?
We certainly could. Quite easily, for some of those things. (The engine team tells us that an online-only requirement would be harder, but I imagine it could be done somehow.)
However, we get a heck of a lot of requests for "the GE".
Last time we ran a trading system poll, we offered you a lot of questions that - if they all passed - would have pretty much been a GE. Some passed, many did not, and thus we released a system that isn't the GE.
And since then, we still get a lot of demand for "the GE". Including in this thread. So I'm not convinced that it works very well when we cobble a system together out of multiple poll questions.
We've therefore started the blog with something that everyone understands, and we're planning to put it to a simple Yes/No vote. Without messing with it, or writing awkward exceptions to make it "more oldschool".
We tried something like that before for the GWD. While it passed, the proposed changes were generally not well received. Things like the idea for making dragon boots available without making rune boots redundant, or the balancing changes to the AGS. People knew how the GWD was, and they wanted that. Not some version that Ash and Nexus and Dan and Mat had been tweaking.
Nevertheless, a lot of the ideas people have had for tweaking the GE are good ideas, and I'd be very happy to see some of them done.
But I'd also hate to muck up the much-demanded GE poll by offering something that wasn't "the GE".
09-Jan-2015 18:50:58