Mod Ash
Toa Mentor
Loot share please? Too many scammers I can't pvm hardly anymore
In a game with no "official" market prices, it's not entirely straightforward to share out the loot. But if you didn't mind it working off alch values or similar - or if you didn't mind voting for a GE - then lootshare would be a possibility.
Anti santa outfit looks cool
Whenever we've mentioned shardshare as an idea in our Q&A livestreams, the response has usually involved howls of "NO SHARDS NO SHARDS NO SHARDS RAARRGH" from the outraged viewers.
But if it were actually popular, we'd be happy to go there. Mind you, I don't think it would be a very convenient solution unless players first vote for a full GE system.
Mod Ghost's done a lovely job on the GFX for Santa and Anti Santa. It's been a real pleasure to implement.
Skunk Boy
Why is your beard and chin hanging off your avatar? *Gasps* WHY IS MY CHIN HANGING OFF TOO?!
This chathead isn't actually player kit. It's the Wise Old Man's NPC model. So it's labelled and animated slightly differently to normal player chatheads.
18-Dec-2014 11:45:11
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18-Dec-2014 11:46:09
Mod Ash
Just checked out the KQ, and the drops are definitely better, even in the few that I managed to kill. The food drops could be improved to 5 pieces of food, rather than 2-3. Also, food every kill, as well as an occasional potion on top of the food would make KQ actually more worth it. The constant high hits make even a full inventory of sharks only good for 2-3 kills at the most. Verac is practically the only armour you can use against the KQ, and her range attack wrecks it every time. Unfortunately, without more food, it just won't be worth it.
@Mod_ash is it possible to remove pid from the game? its really annoying at pvp, and im pretty sure more ppl would pk if pid didnt exist. And make draws at duel so both stakers get a refund?
Also, to jump in on an unrelated question, since I know you're here, Ash, do you think it's possible to get some more bank space at some point? Between clue items and potions, my bank is constantly full, and as far as I can tell there isn't really a reason for the restriction? Plenty of new items are being released, or soon to be released, and a bank space increase would be wonderful.
Gurp Gork
Also, to jump in on an unrelated question, since I know you're here, Ash, do you think it's possible to get some more bank space at some point? Between clue items and potions, my bank is constantly full, and as far as I can tell there isn't really a reason for the restriction? Plenty of new items are being released, or soon to be released, and a bank space increase would be wonderful.
If there's too many items it causes bugs and overflows the system or something like that I believe (Ash answered this before, that's why when they do increase it, it's not by much)
Don't really see the need for more bank space.. manage your bank more. We already have 600 which is tonnes.
18-Dec-2014 11:50:46
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18-Dec-2014 11:51:02
Mod Ash
Toa Mentor
Loot share please? Too many scammers I can't pvm hardly anymore
In a game with no "official" market prices, it's not entirely straightforward to share out the loot. But if you didn't mind it working off alch values or similar - or if you didn't mind voting for a GE - then lootshare would be a possibility.
Alch values simply are not even an option; any high level item is worth 10% of its normal worth if you go by alch value.
The closest thing I've seen that could make PvMing with "randoms" scam-free is something close to the shardshare system. I wouldn't mind that way, but I know many who wouldn't. Until then, you just have to build trust with players, and hope you don't get scammed.
@Mod_ash is it possible to remove pid from the game?
No. Your IP address should not be able to give a combat advantage.
If there's too many items it causes bugs and overflows the system or something (Ash mentioned this before, that's why when they do increase it, it's not by much)
Don't really see the need for more bank space.. manage your bank more. We already have 600 which is tonnes.
Something like that, yeah. The more slots there are, the more processing the game needs to do when you edit your bank. If it does "too much" processing, it crashes. We can't calculate exactly how many slots will become "too much", and it's not likely that we'd be able to do reliable tests for all the possible bank modification actions that might trip it. So any increase is a risk.
Nevertheless, while 600 is a heck of a lot, we're going to try increasing it a bit further and crossing our fingers next year.