I have mixed feelings about some of these rewards, but I like most of them.
I'd like to see more stats for some of the items (like wilderness sword) and more info on which rewards will require the items, and which won't.
I'm kind of disappointed to not see the Enhanced Excalibur, but I can see why it wasn't added.
Do you really think anyone will care for free access to Shilo furnace from elite diary, when you're adding Edgeville furnace from Varrock easy? Make free access sooner from Karamja diaries, and/or add some other benefit to the furnace.
Explorer's ring 4 should grant more daily 50% energy boosts, or maybe 75% instead, rather than fewer 100% boosts, so you don't have to wait until your energy is drained to get the full benefit.
Should the should the Morytania legs have a teleport? perhaps to Morton?
Why no cooking guild bank access from Varrock armor? Make it a hard reward please.
For the most part, this looks good. Hope to see more on the tasks soon.
29-Nov-2014 00:15:28