Achievement Diaries Expansion
If there is one thing that Old School players love it is a challenge. Bringing a brand new challenge to Old School while preserving the feel of the game is something that is fairly tricky however, after huge demand from the community, it is clear that achievement diaries would be able to do just that.
We would like to release a large expansion to achievement diaries, offering 10 brand new diaries.
The new diaries
The 10 new diaries will cover the following areas:

Ardougne (
Falador (
Fremennik (
Kandarin (
Kharidian Desert (
Lumbridge & Draynor (
The Western diary (
Morytania (
Varrock (
Wilderness (
The diary tasks
The tasks and challenges that need to be completed will be largely sourced from you, the community. For some time now, Mod John C has had a thread open in the Feedback & Suggestions forum asking for Achievement Diary Task Ideas . There have been hundreds of great suggestions posted by the community, many of which we plan to use in the diaries.
We will be opening up more ways for members of the community to submit their task ideas, including a competition similar to the one we ran during the development of the clue scroll expansion.
The goal with the tasks is to get people really diving into every area and making use of what they have to offer. The tasks will aim to have you thinking "I completely forgot this existed!" or "How on Earth did I not see this in 10 years of playing?" - Old School is a big game and there are many parts of it that often go overlooked. The more of them we utilise, the better!
Elite diaries
Since we are planning on releasing 10 diaries at once, we would also like to take the whole set one step further with elite diaries.
Back when elite achievement diaries were first introduced into RuneScape they were truly challenging and incredibly prestigious. An example of one task from RuneScape 3 is catching a manta ray in the Fishing Trawler minigame. This requires 81 Fishing, certainly not a task everyone can complete with ease.
Elite diaries would give players to something to strive for, an end-game style set of challenges with some excellent rewards available.
Due to just how challenging elite diaries stand to be, we are going to be offering them in a separate question when polling achievement diaries.
With the completion of each diary you will be rewarded with a worn item that offers you benefits in the area where you earned it. With the completion of higher level diaries both the item you were rewarded with and the benefits it offers will be improved.
We will bring more specific information on the rewards from each achievement diary in future developer blogs.
Repeatable tasks
Achievement diaries have always been a one-off piece of gameplay. Once you've completed them, that is it. You're finished.
Considering how much the community appear to love the idea of achievement diaries, we would like to offer an addition to the system that would allow you to re-play a set of achievement diary challenges every day in order to get small, temporary rewards in the relevant area. These additional rewards do not necessarily have to be focused around additional XP. We can offer a range of different incentives varying from one/two additional ore from mining rocks in the area to a lesser chance of being stunned when pickpocketing NPC's.
Achievement diaries are a lot of fun to take on and we feel it would be a shame to see them sit there and not do a whole lot once you've completed them. This system would allow for achievement diaries to bring some long lasting day to day gameplay to Old School, even for completionists that manage to complete every diary.
Mods Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

31-Oct-2014 16:03:00 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2014 15:36:47 by Mod Reach