Make more use for the Lunar spellbook in the new Zeah continent.
1. Buff healing/cure spells (only in Zeah raids) Make it so you we would need a
Tank,healer,ranger,mager. It would add a whole new way of playing instead of meele beeing the only thing to go.
2. Maybe add a "prayer spell" for lunars to use in Zeah raids? (Idea out of the blue)
Make bosses having different phases like (Zulrah/KQ) So you have to have different roles in the team, IMO it would bring a whole new dimention of playing without stepping into RS3 style (for gods sake)
Dont say "This isnt WOW" I know that, it would atleast make us use different combat styles to conquer the dungeon. It would also make more use of the content we already have, like Lunar magic/Ancients, and range.
5 man raid?
-Warrior (AGS/whip/SS/Tentacle) (BCP/Tasset\Serp?)
-Tank (Whip/DFS/Hasta/Dragon mace? (Torag/Guthan/Dragon)
-Healer (Lunar magic)(voidmace/Mud staff/) (Void/Ahrim/Infinity)
-Ranger(Xbow/ToxicBlowpipe/ACB/Darkbow) (ArmaGear/Karilset/Void/Dhide)
-Mager (Ancients/normal) (SmokeBstaff/Voidmace/STOD Venom?)(Ahrim/void/Infinty)
Just some ideas I would like to see in the new content, How the raid content should be I have no idea, and sorry for no In depth ideas.
09-Mar-2015 13:39:16