In pretty much every MMO, literally 90+ percent of them, the endgame PvE consists of "raids".
They're generally instances of various length and difficulty, usually consisting of the tedious phase of grinding your way through "trash", the "normal monsters" that generally don't drop jack sh*t and are there simply to make the raid last longer. The "trash" is a problem generally only if one gets swarmed.
There may or may not be "minibosses" on the way to the end of the raid, that may or may not drop useful things. They are generally not that challenging, but offer something else than wiping the floor with the "trash". In rare cases, the minibosses are actually difficult and may even exceed the difficulty of the main boss of the dungeon, these "mini"bosses more than likely being optional.
The main event of the raid is generally the raid boss. Your generic raid boss has different phases that use different mechanics, require multiple players to kill and have tedious amounts of health to burn through. The raid boss is where most deaths and party wipes occur, usually due to someone not knowing what to do or simply ******** up, so unless you're in a premade team that knows what's up and what to do, you're pretty much not going to complete the raid, even if you knew the mechanics in and out blindfolded.
Oh, and I don't want raids in runescape. There are like, seven hundred MMO's I could play if I wanted raids as the endgame PvE. But I don't, so I play RS.
01-Nov-2014 16:16:20