These cosmetic upgrades are REALLY out of place in 07. They all literally look like they were directly taken from RS3. I can sense this game already starting its spiral downward into the black hole that is Jagex. Soon well have so many items cosmetically updated to the point where we wont know what any item is anymore. Whats so bad about the dragon pickaxe looking like the other picks? What was wrong with the cosmetics of the smoke battle staff? I do think the odium ward can look a little different than the obby shield, maybe make a texture on it that doesn't look 98% the same. If you want to put more content into a dead mini game, then make better rewards. And c'mon really, saradomin tear passed? So I have to spend 3 mil just to have my saradomin sword, then i pay ontop of that so it can disappear after 10k hits? Nty. Tentacle was much more well thought than a upgrade to a GWD item.
10-Oct-2014 02:49:26