The spooky, scary holiday is approaching and we thought it would be a good time to resurrect the 2007 Halloween event. If you were playing back in 2007, you may remember the event as the Mansion of Death.
Mansion of Death
The event itself will have you take a trip to the Grim Reaper's home and help him complete a few small tasks.

Of course, "small tasks" are not so small when you are in the Mansion of Death. Insta-death is always a possibility so you will have to be sure you follow your instructions carefully.

The event will be a true throwback to 2007, an opportunity to re-live one of the most memorable holiday events ever to come to RuneScape.
We will also be bringing

If you've been missing your grim reaper hood you will finally be able to re-claim it in Old School. You can't go wrong with a gloomy, creepy-looking hood to scare off the noobs.
You'll also be able to grab yourself the Zombie Hand emote in case you ever wanted to almost get clawed by a zombie.
Live stream events
As has become tradition with Old School and holidays, we will be hosting a number of community live stream events throughout the season of spooks. If you want to grab yourself some extra Halloween goodies, make sure that you watch out for our streams on the RuneScape Twitch.tv channel .

You can expect the return of the classic "hide and seek" streams, just like those that Mod Mat K has previously hosted with great success, as well as any other enjoyable events you can think of. If you have any ideas for fun and engaging streams that we can host make sure to let us know. The more ideas we have the more streams we can do.
Halloween poll
The Halloween poll will go live next week, allowing you all to decide if you would like us to bring the 2007 Halloween event back to life. Mod Ash has confirmed that it is in near-working condition and would be good to go with just a little testing, all we need is the go-ahead of the community and the Grim Reaper will head into Old School.
Mods Ash, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan & Weath
The Old School Team

26-Sep-2014 15:37:28